Leo English Horoscope for 08-May-2024

Personal Life

When the Moon shifts into Gemini and moves from your career to your friendships, it’s a good time to be proactive in your romantic life. If you’re interested in someone, don’t be shy to show it. Take the initiative and express your feelings consistently. Your actions are likely to be appreciated and could improve your relationship.


The change in the moon’s position tonight suggests a change in your career too. You may have been feeling unsure about your career, but you have the ability to make a difference. It’s a good time to start over with a positive attitude, believing that your hard work can make your career better.


You might experience some small health issues today, which could make you feel more sensitive than usual. Use this time to concentrate on yourself and pay attention to how your body is feeling. Write down your emotions to help you understand them better. It’s important to put your health and well-being first at this moment.


As the Moon moves into your eleventh house, you may feel more sociable and sensitive to interactions. It’s a great day to reach out to friends who are understanding and supportive. Talking about your thoughts and feelings can be really helpful and comforting today.


The present transit is encouraging you to spend time with friends, maybe by traveling together or attending local events. Interacting with others can be rewarding and offer new insights. Think about organizing a trip with your close friends to enjoy some quality time together.


Your luck today is connected to your friends and social connections. Being friendly and open to new opportunities that come through your network could bring you good fortune. Be receptive to offers that come from friends or acquaintances, as they might lead to positive outcomes for you.