Personal Life

You might want to isolate yourself or pull away from others today because you feel hurt. But it’s better to talk about your feelings instead of shutting down. Opening up about being hurt can help you heal and create stronger bonds with others. Sharing your worries can actually improve your relationships.


Today’s cosmic alignment encourages you to tackle the pile of tasks that have accumulated, especially at home. Finding fulfillment in completing these basic but important chores will clear your mind and boost your energy. Once these tasks are done, you’ll feel a sense of achievement and be ready to take on other areas of your life. Start your week on a positive note by clearing up this backlog and setting a productive tone for the days ahead.


Recently, you may be feeling more energized, which is wonderful. However, it’s important to also take care of your body, especially your liver. Try to eat foods that support your liver, such as blackberries, tomatoes, dandelion greens, and beets. These foods can help cleanse your liver and keep you healthy during busy times. Visit a farmer’s market for fresh, nutritious fruits and vegetables to maintain your energy levels and overall health.


Pluto’s influence may stir up strong emotions. It’s best to address these feelings in a positive way. Rather than keeping them inside, try talking to a friend or doing a creative activity to express and manage your emotions effectively.


Today, it’s not a great day to travel on a whim. You’re focused on taking care of personal things and your health. But it could be a good idea to start planning a future trip to a relaxing and rejuvenating location.


Today, how lucky you feel could be influenced by how well you handle and show your emotions. Being open and taking action to handle problems might make things go your way more often.