Personal Life

Today, the Moon and Mercury are at odds, which could bring a surprising development in your love life. Be open to meeting someone different who might not be what you typically look for. Their special characteristics could pleasantly surprise you, so embrace this unexpected connection with an open heart and mind.


Today is the perfect day to start something new. If you have a project or idea you’re excited about, go ahead and get it off the ground. Your energy will draw in the help and teamwork you require. Believe in your idea and have faith in yourself as you take that initial leap.


This transit encourages you to enjoy being active in different ways. Try a new sport or activity that brings back your youthful energy. From dancing to outdoor activities, have fun challenging yourself to engage in enjoyable and refreshing exercises.


Today, you might feel both excited and nervous because of unexpected meetings and opportunities that make you reconsider how you feel. Embrace these moments to learn more about what you want and what scares you.


Today, you may have the chance to go to new and different places or try out unusual activities that give you special experiences. Stay open-minded and let your curiosity take you to places that may change how you see things and help you learn new things.


Today, your luck depends on being open to new and unexpected experiences with people and situations. Being adaptable and finding happiness in new things could bring you some unexpected and positive surprises.